Lets say you have simple UPDATE command
UpdateCommand="Update SEC_USERS SET FirstName=@FirstName, Department = @Department, Gender = @Gender”
Now, lets assume that two end users of your system have already requested information for SEC_USER Bill whose a male janitor.
End user 1 updates Bills Department as he’s been promoted to CEO (hey it not impossible!).
End user 2 changes Bills Gender to female.
What actually ends up happening is the End user 2 overwrites the promotion and Bill (or maybe billie now ) ends up as a female janitor.
So how can we solve this problem assuming we are using a SqlDataSource.
Here’s how:

- Set the ConflictDetection property to CompareAllValues
- Set the OldValuesParameterFormatString to xxxx_{0}
- Update your command with a WHERE restriction for XXXX_{0}
UpdateCommand= "Update SEC_USERS SET FirstName=@FirstName, Department = @Department, Gender = @Gender FROM SEC_USERS WHERE FirstName=@read_FirstName
AND Department=@read_Department AND Gender=@read_Gender"
That’s it, the SqlDataSource manages the read_xxx parameters so you don’t have to.